00:00 It Started in the Forest
03:07 The House
07:00 The Man
10:21 The Run
13:34 Deja Vu
16:09 The Mirror
19:48 The Silhouette
22:44 The Gate
25:38 The Dark Sky
28:25 The Endless Rain
Completely played on 60s synthesizers, “The Endless Rain“ is an album that tells a story. Each song, represents a small chapter of it.
01. It started in the forest. I woke up from the cold rain dripping on my face. Through the trees I saw the dark sky with some light spots. I can’t remember who I am, and where I am... I started to walk ...
02. I saw a house in the heart of the forest. I think I’ve seen it before. As I went inside, some vague memories started to touch me. Yes, I have been here before, definitely...
03. There was a man lying on the floor next to the fireplace. I approached him. He was dead. His face seemed familiar...
04. I got scared and ran out of the house. The rain grew stronger. The light spots on the sky seemed to turn into something! I’ve been running for hours, but the forest seemed to be endless, just as the rain did.
05. At the end I saw something far away. As I approached it, , I saw the same house I’ve been running from. I got inside. Everything was the same. The dusty table, the extinct fireplace, the dead man…
06. I saw a mirror in the corner, covered in dust. It was very old.
07. As I looked in it, I saw my silhouette... It was me lying on the floor! I couldn’t believe it!
08. I went outside the house. The rain was still dripping. Now I realized... The spots in the sky transformed into a gate.
09. The sky got darker. I started flying... The white light carried me. It swallowed me and disappeared.
10. And there was nothing left... but the endless rain...
Music and lyrics by: E.T.
Cover by: Aurum Designer
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