Песнопения Православной Римской Церкви. Offertoire: Terra Tremuit

Terra tremuit et quievit dum resurgeret in iudicio Deus, alleluia. Notus in Iudea Deus, in Israhel magnum nomen eius, alleluia. Et factus est in pace locus eius, et habitatio eius in Syon, alleluia. Ibi confregit cornu, arcum, scutum, gladium et bellum, illuminans tu mirabiliter a montibus eternis, alleluia. The earth trembled and was still when God arose in judgement, alleluia! In Judah is our God known; his name is great in Israel, alleluia! And in peace he hath established his abode, and his dwelling place in Zion, alleluia! There brake he the arrows of the bow, the shield, and the sword, and the battle. Yea, thou art more excellent and glorious than the mountains of prey, alleluia!
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