Pepper Kebab Recipe #shorts #turkishfood #turkishrecipes #recipes #turkishkebabs #kebab #kebabs

Hello, you are watching the short video of pepper kebab recipe. lamb meat and tail fat, green capia peppers I grind the lamb meat and tail fat in a meat grinder. soy sauce salt hot pepper paste and crushed garlic I knead the kebab mixture I cut the middle of the peppers with a knife and remove the seeds. I am preparing kebab minced meat the size of a tangerine. I’m slicing cheese to put inside the kebab meatballs. I put the cheese between the minced meat and close it. I fill the peppers with meat. After oiling my hands with olive oil, I caress the peppers with my oiled hands. After oiling the peppers, I cover them with foil and bake them at high heat. water soy sauce ketchup thyme black pepper and salt We add the sauce on the kebabs and we can serve it. For more detailed descriptions of the videos, visit Chef Salim YouTube channel ➤ Food Discoveries With Chef Salim / My other Youtube Channel
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