Luton Road Courtesy (1953)

Courtesy on the road at Luton, Bedfordshire. Point of view shot from inside police car as it patrols road. C/U driver. M/S car stopping at side of road. C/U police inspector watching from window. M/S two men nearly getting knocked down on zebra crossing. M/S constable telling lorry driver to move and gives him road safety tips. C/U inspector writing report. M/S police car on way again. C/U steering wheel. M/S, taken through windscreen, as two motor cyclists almost collide. M/S police car stopping. Irate motorcyclist shouting and waving fist at other motorcyclist and side car. M/S police car door opening, inspector gets out. M/S motorists arguing as policeman approaches - road rage! M/S inspector taking details of motorcyclists from car. C/U police car driver. M/S car swerving to avoid kid who runs into road. C/U car stopping. M/S police car stopping, driver of swerving car gets out and shouts at kids. M/S kids running off down road. M/S small boy riding over big racing cycle,
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