Russian state TV calls for execution of UK prisoners

Russian state TV calls for execution of UK prisoners Jun 16, 2022 The Mirror Russian MP Aleksey Zhuaravlyov calls for the execution of British prisoners of war caught fighting in Ukraine. YouTube SOURCE: Russian TV claims UK fighters in Ukraine will be ’executed with British guns and bullets’ (politician) Russian TV claims UK fighters in Ukraine will be ’executed with British guns and bullets’ Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner have been sentenced to death by a court in separatist Donetsk People’s Republic, with their firing squad said to be aimed with British weaponry and bullets Click for Sound Russia: TV commentator calls for execution of UK prisoners 18:47, 16 Jun 2022 Two British fighters sentenced to death by a sham court for fighting in Ukraine will be shot with guns and bullets from the UK, according to a Russian politician. Aiden Aslin, 28, and Shaun Pinner, 48, along with Moroccan Sadun Brahim, 21, were captured during the attempted defence of Mariupol. The Brits appeared in court in the separatist Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and will appeal against the barbaric sentence. Another British detainee Andrew Hill, 35, a father of four from Plymouth, has also been warned to expect the death penalty when his verdict is handed down. MP Aleksey Zhuravlyov, deputy chairman of the Russian parliament’s defence committee, told Rossiya 1 state TV the DPR intends to execute them with British weapons and bullets. He said: “I like the way the DPR is performing their international obligations. “As I was told…the shooting will be performed with a British weapon, and a British bullet. “And then this bullet will be sent to the British relatives who will be made to pay for it. In roubles…converting from pounds.” Sponsored Links Kremlin-loyalist TV anchor Yevgeny Popov intervened to say this was “a mockery”. Zhuravlyov said he had “no sympathy“ for the condemned soldiers Zhuravlyov said he had “no sympathy“ for the condemned soldiers ( Image: Rossiya 1/east2west news) The hardline MP hit back: “Why mockery? No mockery, we need just to finish these bastards off. “Without any negotiations. No need even to mock them. I saw what they are doing with my own eyes, personally so I have no mercy for them. “All those b******s who came here from Britain must be eliminated. Do you want them to be liquidated with your British weapon? “They will be eliminated with a British weapon. “The DPR and LPR [Luhansk People’s Republic] have sufficient captured trophies. “So when the [West] send mercenaries here, they must understand clearly, where they go.” The condemned men are said to have admitted “training in order to carry out terrorist activities“. The UK Government is seeking their release with the possibility of a prisoner swap put forward. RUMBLE VIDEO: BITCHUTE VIDEO: VKontakte Video:
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