China to US We’ll now send warships into your territorial waters.

China to US We’ll now send warships into your territorial waters. “China will also ignore the US naval borders,” the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy said in a press release, has learned. According to the official statement of the authorities in Beijing, very soon Chinese warships will violate US territorial waters in response to the “provocation” by USS Benfold the day before. Thus, according to Beijing, just as the United States ignores China’s territorial waters, Beijing should do the same. We reminds you that yesterday, September 8, USS Benfold entered the waters of the Meiji Reef in the South China Sea, which China claims are part of the state’s territorial waters. Beijing says it is a provocation by the United States because the Americans have not asked permission from the Chinese navy to enter the waters. Beijing said it did not allow USS Benfold’s actions to go unnoticed and tracked the entire movement of the American ship. “More and more facts have proved that the US is the
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