Selected Originals - Gen. Slim Opens Foundry In Lincoln (1950)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story ’Europe’s biggest foundry in Lincoln’ - 50/4 Material for Newsreel Story - extra shots. Beevor Foundry, Lincolnshire. General Sir William Slim speaks “Mr Lord Bishop, Mr Deputy Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen. I have to confess that when you first did me the honour to ask me to come and open this, the most modern foundry in Europe, probably in the world. I was a little puzzled as to why you should choose a soldier, but your Managing direct has very flatteringly given some reasons and I hope it’s not too inappropriate because these days soldiers, especially senior soldiers like myself have to have very wide interests. And I wasn’t always a soldier Nearly 40 years ago I was employed in a steel works where they had a foundry and very often in those days I was rather glad that my job was in another part of the works because it doesn’t need me to tell an audience like this one that an old-fashioned foundry was really not a very pleasant plac
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