Build and Deploy: TWITTER clone with React, Tailwind, Next, Prisma, Mongo, NextAuth & Vercel (2023) - Part 2

Discord for any problems/errors/bugs: Github & Live Website: If you are having problems with “Edit“ / “Follow“ functionality throwing “Not Signed In“ error, It is because you have a newer version of Next & NextAuth, a small modification is needed (you can find it in the github repostory). Here are the steps: 1. Your [...nextauth].ts file should export authOptions separately 2. Your file should use getServerSession(req, res, authOptions) instead of getSession({req}) 3. Modify serverAuth(req) to serverAuth(req, res) everytwhere in your code. 4. Logout, shutdown the app, login again, everything should work ❤ In this tutorial, we’ll be building a Twitter clone with React, T ... #CodeWithAntonio 20230310 ytkG7RT6SvU
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