TETRAS | Terrific, Tremendous & Totally Timeless!

Enjoy this short, relaxing video featuring many of our favorite Tetra species from over the years! Aquariums have been shown to noticeably reduce both blood pressure and heart rate, reducing stress and inducing feelings of calmness - we hope this video can do the same for you! Originating from Africa, Central America, and South America, Tetras can be identified by the presence of a small adipose fin between the dorsal and caudal fins. Many Tetras are extremely popular in the fishkeeping hobby, as they are in general well suited for community aquariums and planted aquascapes. Some species are ideal for nano tanks, while others require lots of space to accomodate their size and swimming behaviors. What’s your favorite species of Tetra? Check out our other content! Facebook: Instagram: Website: Newsletter: #Aquarium #Tetra #Fish
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