Will & Alana ♦ Carry you

PLS HD Small screen Will: “To broken to date?“ Alana: “You’re not broken.“ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys! First Hannibal video, YAY! I just finished watching the second season last week and imedietly watched the first 4 episodes of the third. I’m so angry that they cancelled it! I can’t even understand why! It’s such a beautifully done show, with such great actors! I loved editing it and I hope I’ll more Hannibal videos soon! Anyway, just so you know, I ship almost every ship in this show! Hannigram, Bedelia/Hannibal, Willana, etc. So here you have a Will/Alana video. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for watching! Give me your opinion! See you ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fandom: Hannibal Pairing: Will Graham and Dr. Alana Bloom Coloring: by sivandivan Song: Smokestacks by Layla
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