Shatterhand (NES) vs Tokyuu Shirei Solbrain (Famicom)
Shatterhand is one of the best action games on the NES. The Japanese version is based off one of Toei Animation’s “tokusatsu“ (special effects) super hero shows, where stuff such as Power Rangers/Zyuuranger and Ultraman fall under that category. The story was changed as well as the characters. But word has it that it’s really unknown which came first because the USA doesn’t put out the approximate release dates of their games unlike the Japanese do. But it is a fact all three, Shatterhand, and Solbrain the
4 months ago 01:30:08 1
Power blade 2 dendy nes Famicom ретроспектива обзор Бумеранг сильнее кибер корпорации и пришельцев
4 months ago 00:21:41 1
Выжать максимум из Денди (NES): 44 игры с нереальной графикой и звуком