Blockade Runner R1W19

Week 19 of Blockade Runner, released August 24th 2011. Visit for the latest alpha build, info, forums, and more! We’d like to thank both Zach Barth for inspiring us with Infiniminer, and Markus “Notch“ Persson for creating Minecraft, for without either of which Blockade Runner would not exist! Using the Gas/Liquid/Solid cellular automata algorithm tested in Liquid Cubed (see link below), Blockade Runner will allow for fully operational, crewable, and destructible starships. If the fuel tanks are punctured, liquid fuel floods the halls. If the wall gets hit by a torpedo, hold your breath -- oxygen gets vacuumed into space. Ship lasered in half? Pray that you’re on the better half. Every part of your starship will matter. NOTE: Obsolete pricing model and information has been corrected in this blog post: Blockade Runner is in develop
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