B-ART | Round 4 - Quarterfinal 4 | ELISII vs B-ART | SBX KICKBACK BATTLE 2021

Welcome to round 4 of the fourth quarterfinal of the SBX Kickback Battle 2021! Today we have Elisii versus B-Art! Up next is B-ART! With 90 seconds on the clock I SAY THE THREE, THE TWO AND THE ONE! In 3,2,1 ... BEATBOX! Get ready for the full quarterfinal round which is going to be released on March, 3rd at 10 a.m. CET! Please follow B-Art on socials: IG - YT - Please follow ELISII on socials: IG - YT - Give it up for the host Scott Jackson: IG - ___________________________________________ THANK YOU TO OUR AMAZING SPONSORS WHO HAVE HELPED PROVIDE THE HOME STUDIO KIT, PRIZES, JUDGE...S FEES, AND MORE! DPA Microphones - We love the DPA 2028 Mic, which all participants used in this competition! https://www
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