’s Dive In!\
0:00 How to Get Help
1:01 Our First App
8:57 Critical Questions!
21:35 Installing Node JS
25:16 Generating a React Project
30:26 Why Create React App_
35:52 Exploring a Create-React-App Pro
40:00 Starting and Stopping a React Ap
43:37 JavaScript Module Systems
51:32 Displaying Content with Function
Content with JSX\
56:28 What is JSX_
1:01:40 Converting HTML to JSX
1:07:19 Inline Styling with JSX
1:10:32 Converting Styling to JSX Form
1:13:41 Class vs ClassName
1:16:00 Referencing JS Variables in JS
1:18:55 Values JSX Can’t Show
1:23:58 Finding Forbidden Property Nam
1:27:04 Exercise Introduction
1:28:41 JSX Exercise Solution
with Props\
1:29:51 Three Tenets of Components
1:32:45 Application Overview
1:35:35 Getting Some Free Styling
1:42:51 Naive Component Approach
1:47:24 Specifying Images in JSX
1:53:30 Duplicating a Single Component
1:55:26 Extracting JSX to New Componen
2:00:27 Component Nesting
2:07:09 React’s Props System
2:10:51 Passing and Receiving,Multiple
2:27:15 Component Reuse
2:30:40 Implementing an Approval Card
2:36:32 Showing Custom Children
2:42:19 Component Reuse
2:45:05 Exercise - Props-Solution
2:49:05 Exercise - Children-Solution
Apps with Class-Based Co
2:53:43 Class-Based Components
2:59:47 Application Overview
3:03:48 Scaffolding the App
3:09:46 Getting a Users Physical Locat
3:15:42 Resetting Geolocation Preferen
3:18:15 Handling Async Operations with
3:22:10 Refactoring from Functional to
in React Components\
3:27:22 The Rules of State
3:33:29 Initializing State Through Con
3:39:46 Updating State Properties
3:47:30 App Lifecycle Walkthrough
3:54:36 Handling Errors Gracefully
4:00:57 Conditionally Rendering Conten
Lifecycle Methods\
4:06:36 Introducing Lifecycle Methods
4:13:50 Why Lifecycle Methods_
4:20:26 Refactoring Data Loading to Li
4:23:11 Alternate State Initialization
4:28:31 Passing State as Props
4:32:51 Determining Season
4:38:25 Ternary Expressions in JSX
4:42:04 Showing Icons
4:46:39 Extracting Options to Config O
4:50:53 Adding Some Styling
5:00:25 Showing a Loading Spinner
5:06:45 Specifying Default Props
5:11:37 Avoiding Conditionals in Rende
5:17:00 Breather and Review
5:25:17 Exercise Solution - Class-Base
5:27:19 Updating Components with State
User Input with Forms and E
5:31:02 App Overview
5:36:05 Component Design
5:39:44 Adding Some Project Structure
5:44:14 Showing Forms to the User
5:48:08 Adding a Touch of Style
5:51:50 Creating Event Handlers
5:59:32 Alternate Event Handler Syntax
6:02:02 Uncontrolled vs Controlled Ele
6:05:40 More on Controlled Elements
6:16:08 Exercise Overview - Receiving
6:19:07 Handling Form Submittal
6:22:50 Understanding ’this’ In Javasc
6:34:18 Solving Context Issues
6:41:38 Communicating Child to Parent
6:45:14 Invoking Callbacks in Children
API Requests with React\
6:49:57 Fetching Data
6:54:28 Axios vs Fetch
6:59:09 Viewing Request Results
7:07:26 Handling Requests with Async A
7:15:04 Setting State After Async Requ
7:21:24 Binding Callbacks
7:23:41 Creating Custom Clients
Lists of Records\
7:29:09 Rendering Lists
7:31:51 Review of Map Statements
7:37:31 Rendering Lists of Components
7:40:25 The Purpose of Keys in Lists
7:45:58 Implementing Keys in Lists
7:50:25 Exercise Overview - List Build
Ref’s for DOM Access\
7:53:13 Grid CSS
7:59:34 Issues with Grid CSS
8:03:54 Creating an Image Card
8:09:10 Accessing the DOM with
8:20:18 Callbacks on Image Load
8:23:12 Dynamic Spans
8:30:30 App Review
’s Test Your React Mastery!\
8:34:26 App Overview
8:37:04 Component Design
8:40:10 Scaffolding the App
8:46:27 Reminder on Event Handlers
8:53:02 Handling Form Submittal
8:56:44 Accessing the Youtube API
9:05:56 Searching for Videos
9:12:50 Putting it All Together
9:19:42 Updating State with Fetched Da
9:24:27 Passing State as Props
9:28:16 Rendering a List of Videos
9:32:57 Rendering Video Thumbnails
9:37:38 Styling a List
9:46:22 Communicating from Child to Pa
9:51:28 Deeply Nested Callbacks
9:57:28 Conditional Rendering
10:03:21 Styling the
10:06:31 Displaying a Video Player
10:14:46 Fixing a Few Warnings
10:21:25 Defaulting Video Selection
Hooks in React\
10:26:17 React Hooks
10:29:54 App Architecture
10:35:56 Communicating the Items Prop
10:40:47 Building and Styling the
10:46:59 Helper Functions in
10:52:15 Introducing useState
10:55:50 Understanding useState
11:04:36 Setter Functions
11:06:13 Expanding the Accordion
11:09:25 Exercise Overview-Solution
11:12:07 Creating Additional Widgets
11:14:54 The Search Widget Architectur
11:19:24 Scaffolding the Widget
11:21:05 Text Inputs with Hooks
11:25:33 When do we Search_
11:32:19 The useEffect Hook
11:39:00 Testing Execution
11:43:03 Async Code in useEffect
11:50:25 Executing the Request
11:54:07 Default Search Terms
11:59:01 List Building!