Escaping predators: Finding refuge on a deep-living sea cucumber

Juvenile crabs (Neolithoides diomedeae) sometimes settle on the deep seafloor where there are few options for hiding places to escape predators. Recently MBARI researchers recorded many observations of the juvenile crabs hiding underneath sea cucumbers, or sea pigs (Scotoplanes sp. A - a new species of holothurian). Video producer: Linda Kuhnz Music: Slow Burn by Konstantinos Panagiotidis Original journal article: Barry, J.P. and J.R. Taylor, L.A. Kuhnz, A.P. DeVogelaere (2016). Symbiosis between the holothurian Scotoplanes sp. and the lithodid crab Neolithodes diomedeae on a featureless bathyal sediment plain. Marine Ecology, October 2016. DOI For more information:
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