Israel (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Jerusalem, Israel / Palestine. Big parades mark the opening of the new Israeli Parliament. American voiceovered newsreel material. LV Elevated, 4 assembly members walking through guard of honour and past knot of people. SV Towards Army Chief Ben Dori accompanied by a woman. SV Towards 2 Arabs. SV Towards and pan David Ben Gurion walks into Assembly Room. GV Int. President Dr Chaim Weizman among people. LV Weizman shaking hands with Ben Gurion. GV Pan of hillside topped with Jewish flag. People at service commemorating the fallen. SV Jewish flag pan to crowd in street. Elevated crowd watching procession in street. LV SV People in procession. SV Child holding Israeli flag looking on. SV Towards boys in procession. SV Girls in procession pan to head of procession. Possibly connected with 49/16 - MD. Cataloguers Note: Spelling Variations - Chaim, Chiam, Chain, Chian, Weizman, Weizmann FILM ID:
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