Помощники в Макарьевской пустыни / Helpers in Makaryevskaya Hermitage

#di_vito On the eve of the patronal feast - the Dormition of the Theotokos - a team of assistants arrived in the Makaryevskaya hermitage. The guys helped to fill the gaps in the thermal insulation of the vegetable store with sand. transfer to the monastery and unload boards and roofing iron. Turn over logs from the forest. God bless all the helpers and benefactors of the Holy Dormition Makarievskaya Hermitage. If you subscribe, it will be very good: or here or here We are also raising money for a device for filming a documentary about Fr. David, rector of the Holy Dormition Makarievskaya Hermitage, fundraising here: Save you GOD! God save you!
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