오일파스텔로 그리는 라벤더밭 풍경화, Lavender field landscape drawing with oil pastel
#oilpastel #drawing
오일파스텔로 그리는 라벤더밭 풍경화, Lavender field landscape drawing with oil pastel
✔️사용한 재료 :
문교 갤러리 소프트 오일 파스텔 72색
✔️Material :
Mungyo Gallery soft oil Pastel 72 Color
cotton swab
I hope it helps people who draw pictures as a hobby by watching Ohu Sia video.
When you post it on SNS, I would appreciate it if you tag @___siaart or ohusia
🚫However, I respectfully decline the commercial activities you post on YouTube after you draw the pictures in my video.🚫
Thank you!
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1 view
7 months ago 01:28:50 1
오일파스텔로 그리는 밤하늘 1시간 30분 모음집.zip🌌 | Oil pastel drawing collection
8 months ago 00:09:34 1
How to paint Trees with oil pastel : 크레파스/오일파스텔로 ’나무’ 그리기 [NIA]