Suspicious Fresno Garbage Truck Activity on Friday 1-15-2016

My Letter and Email to the US DOJ and various Fresno California FBI Field Offices: Sorry to bother you again but this is urgent: This video shows Fresno Garbage trucks stopping in front of my house briefly yet I have no can out this morning. This incident was preceded by two marked Fresno PD cruisers. I believe the truck stopped in front of my house so as to generate a GPS tracking signal that would imply Fresno Garbage trucks picked up garbage at my house this morning. Why? Because Fresno PD planned to plant some of my e-wife’s stolen purse items in my garbage cans. Why is this significant? Because when my ex-wife called me telling me her purse was stolen from her vehicle on 1-05-16, as we discussed the incident she stated she was going to go around her neighborhood and see if any of her stolen purse items were in her neighbors garbage cans. I even said “That’s a good idea“. Fresno PD would have known this because I have continually stated Fresno LE listens in on our phone con
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