(2) The US vets who Volunteered For Rhodesia - Free Documentary - 1/12/17

Reseach Tools used: Easybib, Noodle Tools. Short Student film about the US Vietnam veterans in the Rhodesian bush war, who also had the name “the crippled eagles.“ Author: Aidan Torma Teacher: Mr Buckley For educational use only - nonprofit film. Editing Software: iMovie PRIMARY SOURCES 1. War, Rhodesian Bush. “Art of War Papers.“ 2. .Anable, David. “The Return of the Mercenaries.“ Africa Report20.6 (1975): 3. Anderer, Xanade NONE. Veitnam Veterans in the Rhodesian Bushwar. The VVA veteran, Veterans in the Rhodesian Bushwar 4. White, Luise. “Civic virtue, young men, and the family: Conscription in Rhodesia, 1974-1980.“ 5. The International journal of African historical studies 37.1 (2004): 103-121. Voß, Klaas. “Plausibly deniable: mercenaries in US covert interventions during the Cold War, 1964–1987.“ Cold war history16.1 (2016): 37-60. 6. Churchill, Ward. “US Mercenaries in Southern Africa: Th
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