Candy Dulfer @ Schiphol 2012
’Candy to the Mexx’
Candy Dulfer
Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tuesday, December 11th 2012
Candy has joined forces with Mexx (clothing brand) which resulted in a mini tour at Mexx stores across Western Europe.
This performance was at their store at Schiphol, Amsterdam. They decided to go a little bigger this time and the stage was set outside the store in the big entrance hall.
Due to security reason Candy wasn’t allowed to tweet about it beforehand. Although it wasn’t to hard to find out if you really wanted to ;-) But it did result in very few fan
...s coming. So the audience was mostly made up of passing people/passengers. And although it started a bit slow it did warm up after a song or two. Also due to three KLM stewardesses living it up, KLM style.
Candy played 3 sets with about 30 to 40 minutes separating them. All that and the fact that she had quite a few special guests and played a rather different setlistShow more