The cat eats against his master, funny videos. Bon apptit!

The cat eats against his master, funny videos. Bon appétit!#respect #funny #cat #cute #cutecatshorts #kitten #respect #catsofyoutube One of the most pleasant memories of a summer vacation is the delicious food in good company. But you can’t always find a friend who eats his food as good as a cat. Our cat favourite does not miss the opportunity to eat in the company of her owner. Trying to have time by the end of dinner to eat all its favorite food, the cat looks back at the owner and hurry up more and more to keep up with him. After finishing her portion, she gives thanks for licking her improvised dish, and cleans her lucky face of the remnants of a delicious breakfast. what a delight! Кошка ест наперегонки со своим хозяином, смешные видео. Приятного аппетита! Одни из самых приятных воспоминаний о летнем отдыхе это вкусная еда в хорошей компании. Но не всегда можно найти друга так аппетитно поедающего свою порцию еды, как кошка. Наша любимица кошка не пропускает возможности
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