London Lord Mayor Sir Bracewell Smith visits Pinewood film studios to open filming of movie (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Actress Patricia Roc greets London’s Lord Mayor Sir Bracewell Smith as he opens filiming for the film “London Belongs to Me“ at Pinewood film studios Full Description: ENGLAND: London: EXT FILM STARS Pat Roc greets London’s Lord Mayor Sir Bracewell Smith when he arrives at Pinewood to give an official start to never film. Seen riding in old hansom cab FILM WORLD IN GENERAL Sir Bracewell Smith, Lord Mayor greeted Pat. Roc when he visits Pinewood to make official opening to new production PINEWOOD Studios Sir Bracewell Smith visits Pinewood to make an official openin to new film “London Belongs To Me“. Greeted by Oatricia Roc, and seen riding with her in carriage SIR BRACEWELL SMITH Visits Pinewood studios - greeted by Pat Roc to make an official opening to new studio production. Title of film “London belongs to Me“
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