Weaving Fabric The Old Way: Warp Weighted Loom

Weaving FabricWeaving Fabric The Old Way: Warp Weighted Loom The Old Way: How A Warp Weighted Loom can allow you to weave (almost) any width of fabric. One of the ways that we learn new skills is to attend re-enactor events. This is one of the MANY arts and crafts skills taught at these events. Irene and Henry have been living off grid full time since 2005 on a 43 acre off grid homestead in the high desert of Northern Arizona. Situated at 5280′ elevation, we enjoy four seasons of beautiful scenery and weather about 60 miles south of the Grand Canyon. We grow most of our green beans, peppers, yellow beans, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, squash, garlic, and herbs. Specialty crops like asparagus, sun chokes, and lavender are supplemented by foraged foods including wild ground cherries, prickly pear, and other native plants. Electricity is made using solar panels and one 400W wind generator. We power our buildings in two groups: Irene’s studio by itself, and house infrastructure: house, greenhouse, and works
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