Free Energy Generator. Сверх Единичные устройства

COURSES ON THE CREATION OF PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES. BTG “ Individual consultations. You will be able to better understand alternative eco-friendly energy sources,: Fuel-free electric generators, processes and see the truth in incomprehensible and complex processes.. I will answer questions and tell you about the mistakes that beginners make, I will give out a lot of secret chips that professionals use. Amazingly, this option is possible according to the most orthodox LAW of CONSERVATION OF ENERGY (the LAW OF BALANCE OF FORCES). We have trained and are studying representatives of Russia, Germany, Canada, Austria. Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania. Estonia. Latvia, Azerbaijan. Ukraine, Republic of Adygea, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Bashkortostan, ..... 1. Attention!!! Before enrolling in the course, each student undergoes a VIDEO INTERVIEW. After that, a decision is made whether to enroll in the course or not. 2. You pay for the course. 3. Get information, study
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