An AI-upscaled 4K version of “Heaven and Earth (天と地と),“ performed at Japan Figure Skating Championships 2020-21.
More about the program:
Music by Isao Tomita 冨田 勲
Choreographed by Shae-Lynn Bourne
“The setting of this music features Lord Uesugi Kenshin. In any case, I myself like competing, and in the act of competing itself, how to put it, the fun of it is in things like (figuring out) how to focus, and these kinds of exciting things are what I can’t get enough of. However, in all of that, (there are feelings like) fighting and still not winning, or (things) you can say are painful, like b
...eing consumed by anguish. Also, like when I come in first place, someone else will be 2nd or 3rd, and I am feeling that it is like there is a “sacrifice,” or a cost, so I am somewhat influenced by Lord Kenshin’s overall sense of values he held towards battle. Right now, in this world, there may be many things people have to fight against, so it would be nice if everyone could come to see something like a “core” or will within themselves as they head into battle (upon watching this program).“
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