Igor: The Paris Years [1982] (Brothers Quay)

The first of Koninck’s animated biographies for Channel 4; this followed their (great, but nearly impossible to see) treatment of Punch & Judy puppetshows. Interesting that the traditions of Russian Constructivism exercised such a strong influence on their imaginations until the revelation of Jan Svankmajer’s Dimensions of Dialogue. Anyways! Raymond Durgnat’s review for the MFB is essentially his discursion on the puppet film, per se, but here’s the synopsis which accompanies his piece: “On his first visit to Paris, Mayakovsky (who always bellows through a megaphone) describes the rich diversity of artists overflowing its cafe terraces and spinning off into their own orbits. He visits Stravinsky in his apartment above a player-piano repair shop at 22 rue Rochechouart. Stravinsky has accepted a contract to transcribe his works on to piano rolls, thus preventing future distortions of his music. He plans multi-pianola compositions, and explains the machine’s workings, wit
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