Needle tatting. Bracelet with beads. Giveaway/Фриволите иглой. Браслет с бусинами. Розыгрыш подарка
Tatted bracelet with pearl beads for needle tatters ❤ ↓↓↓EXPAND FOR MORE DETAILS ↓↓↓ PDF pattern -
Online course “Needle Tatting Basics“ -
In this video tutorial, I will show how to tat a lace bracelet with pearl beads. Also, I’m running an international giveaway (closed).
Giveaway winner:
I’m glad to announce the winner and please let’s congratulate her all together - Ира Нагорная! Ира, I hope you will enjoy the present and it will help you create lots of beautiful jewelry pieces 😊 Please leave a comment with your email address so that I can get in touch with you to arrange the delivery.
Other participants, please don’t be disappointed. Now that I know that so many people would like to get tatting needles, I’ll surely repeat such a giveaway in future.
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5 months ago 00:23:05 1
Тыква вязаная крючком |Pumpkin crochet|
5 months ago 00:10:11 1
Needle tatting. Фриволите. Мастер класс. Плетем цепочку иглой.