SKIING WITH BENT KNEES | Are You Making These 2 Mistakes?

We’ve all heard this tip yelled across the mountain. “BEND THE KNEES!” While this common ski tip may sound simple, there’s more to it than meets the eye. Do this tip correctly, you’re setting yourself up for advanced carving turns. Do this tip wrong, and you’ll struggle to find the right balance, essential for dynamic movements. Tom Waddington is a BASI level 4 examiner and racing coach. We asked him to come meet us in Sölden, Austria to break down this tip, so that next time you hear those 3 worlds, you know exactly what it means and how to do it. To help understand this topic we’ve used some clear good vs bad examples and real-time Carv pressure data to emphasise the important link between mobility at your skiing joints and foot pressure in your boot. Please leave a comment if you have any questions about this topic, or a future content request! ⛷️⛷️⛷️ Did you enjoy seeing Carv’s pressure data?
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