Modern Arnis Stick Form 1 variations WMAA inspired version
This video is based around our Stick Form 1 and our Staff Form 5, I had already taught four staff forms to my students prior to translating our Stick Form 1 to the staff, so that variation became Staff Form 5.
This video shows how I translate Stick Form 1, to the short sword or machete, to the stick and knife combination, to the short staff and to the 6ft. staff. Each of these variations of the form try to stay true to the form while staying true to the weapon, granted there are adjustments made for the weapon, but I tried to stay true to the template of the form while using the weapon in a true and logical sense as well.
This form started out as Modern Arnis Stick form 1 or Modern Arnis Baston Anyo Isa. It was altered by Datu Tim Hartman for the World Modern Arnis Alliance (WMAA), I in turn altered it to fit my needs and my schools, so our versions of the form is actually inspired by the WMAA’s version, BUT it isn’t the official WMAA version nor are any of the other versions on this