Civil Defence Shows Its Paces (1955)

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. GV Civil Defence teams lined up for inspection by General Sir Sidney Kirkman. CU. Arm flash “Welfare“. CU. Arm flash “Head Quarters“. CU. Arm flash “Ambulance“. SCU pan with Sir Kirkman as he inspects Civil Defence personnel. GV. Crowd watching. SC. Civil Defence worker (woman) mixing cement for the building of an oven, & CU. SC. Another woman laying the first bricks of the oven. GV. Arena, ’bomb’ explodes, another ’bomb’ explodes. SC. Civil Defence rescue squads going into action. SC. Casualty lying on ground, Pan from him to another casualty being attended to by Civil Defence worker. SV. Civil Defence squad approaching another casualty. SV. Civil Defence rescue squads going up a ladder to a casualty in a ’bombed’ building. CU. Rescue workers attending to another casualty. CU. Rescue workers attending to casualty in ’bombed’ building. CU. Rescue squads attending to another casualty. SV. Rescue worker ready to lower the man from ’bombed’ building. CU. Rescue worker holding ropes
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