1st Lt. Megan Skalla, Youngest Female UH-60 Black Hawk Pilot in 34th ECAB

“I knew I had a purpose and I thought my purpose was to serve other would have never thought six years ago when I first enlisted that I’d now be flying missions as a UH-60 M-model Black Hawk pilot,“ said 1st Lt. Megan Skalla. We’d like to recognize all the Women in the Coalition serving along side us on this deployment. No matter what country you are from or whether you are active duty or are part of a reserve component, we are all serving our nations proudly. 1st Lt. Megan Skalla is one of our pilots within the 34th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade and is serving as the youngest female UH-60 Black Hawk pilot on our deployment to the Middle East in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Spartan Shield.
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