[AMV] - The Reckoning // Crows IC: Imperium 4th Action & 5th Overall
DL: #z-ajzOFZGRsNGJTbfNbAY4yF0ZkkTtS9m-wvjZgZVvE
4th Action
5th Overall
E_01 - [0:00]
Jojishi - [0:43]
E_01 - [1:26]
Jojishi - [2:03]
I really liked how this collab with my boi Jojishi turned out. I’m also proud of the ranking we got, but feel a little pain inside when we were one place away from top 3 :’).
This IC was honestly a pain in the ass. As you know, Texas was hit by a pretty big winter storm. This happened during the time I was editing for the IC and my power went out, so I had to use my old gaming laptop to get my parts done. I was determined to get it done since I didn’t wanna let my partner down.
Thanks to Jojishi for the support behind the scenes and for doing these awesome parts :D Would 10/10 collab again.
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1 week ago 00:04:07 3
Final Fantasy VII Remake AMV/GMV - Victorious - Skillet