ТОНУС-КЛУБ: Велотренажер с мячом. Hybrid of the bike, exercise ball and exercise band.
30-минутный BallBike-тренинг сочетает кардио-велотренировку, упражнение на мяче и с эспандерами. Кручение педалей и балансировка на мяче способствуют укреплению мышц ног, ягодиц и пресса, а выполнение упражнений с эспандерами — укреплению мышц рук, спины и плечевого пояса.
This machine is an unmatched hybrid of the stationary bike, exercise ball and exercise band. allows you to engage 640 muscles of the body at the same time.
The 30-minute training is a unique combination of and cycling training, exercises on the ball and workouts with exercise bands, which provides an opportunity to quickly and effectively develop the muscles of the whole body and get rid of excess fat at the same time: while pedaling and constantly balancing on the durable latex ball, the patients strengthen the uscles of legs, buttocks and the press, and the muscles of the arms, back, and thoracic girdle are strengthened by performing workouts with exercise bands.
The cardiovascular machine is ideal for both beginners and professional athletes as it is equipped with several levels of training complexity and permits to adjust the training intensity due to such functions as time, distance, pulse, speed, calorie consumption etc.
1 view
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