Kilmaine Saints - The Saints Are Up

Текст с Bandcamp’a: “Verse 1 Shots will be poured and the beer it will flow By the end of tonight the legend will grow Of a band of tinkers all ragged and torn Who came to rock the stage until the early morn Chorus Raise the blue raise the green and all the colors in between Sing along, sing it loud, ’cuz we’re Celtic and we’re proud Raise a shot, raise a pint, put your arms around your mate ’cuz we’re the noisy drunken bastards called the Kilmaine Saints Verse 2 Well we won’t go home ‘till you empty your glass If you like what you hear, then get up off your ass You buy us a round and the town we will paint This night it was rocked by the Kilmaine Saints Chorus Words © 2010 M. McNaughton & Brendan Power, Music © 2010 M. McNaughton Pipe melody from the Hornpipe ”Itchy Fingers” by Rab Pinkman from The Good, The Plaid and the Ugly, released July 17, 2010“
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