Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger (Acoustic Cover)

Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger. Acoustic cover by Leiv Reed. Arrangement, instruments, vocals, recording, mixing and video by Leiv Reed. Nylon stringed guitars tuned to G minor. Darkthrone, Mayhem and Burzum all have a certain hypnotic and sad undertone in much of their work, some songs or albums more than others. The first few albums by these three in particular have a simplistic, bare and naked songwriting approach that I find truly appealing. They all touch in to the same lyrical universes, describing the nordic darkness, death, sadness - sprinkled with some fairies or whatever. This song by Darkthrone, Transilvanian Hunger, is probably a way of describing a “thirst for blood“, with the associations tied to Transilvania. I won’t try any further explanation the lyrical meaning here, I’ll paste ’em in here somewhere instead. If you have any ideas for other songs or albums I should look into, leave a comment below. I appreciate it. Thanks for stopping by
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