Gândul Mâței ~ Proba Credinţei (cover)

One of my fav #songs ever! ❤🖤 I know most of you guys won’t be able to understand the lyrics, but - that’s fine, all you have to do is - #feel it ❤ Don’t forget to find me on #YouTube and hit the #follow button! 🌿 (Find me by typing Nephthys49 or Nadia Nephthys Velev) Thank you all for listening to my craziness. Fall and Winter make me go crazy and sing a lot. Lol. 🙄🤣 P.S. If you are a musician, let me know and maybe we can record something together. I know I’m a bad player and singer, but sometimes it’s not even about your skills but your #emotions and experiments and effort, so ... Will be waiting for your msgs * ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
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