The Four Seasons for Kids | Learn about the four seasons throughout the year

What is your favorite season in the year? The Four Seasons for Kids explores why we have these distinct periods throughout the year. You will learn a lot about spring, summer, fall, and winter. Did you know that the seasons depend on the rotation of the earth around the sun? Believe it or not, your location plays a part in the weather you experience outside. As the earth rotates around the sun, different parts of the planet face the sun. For half the year, the Northern Hemisphere is leaning toward the sun, making the months warmer. During the other half, the Souther Hemisphere leans toward the sun. That means that when it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s winter in the Southern Hemisphere! If you live in the United State and have a friend who lives in Australia, your winter is their summer and vice versa. During the spring, flowers and plants bloom or blossom. In most parts of the United States, this season occurs during March, April, and May. Summer is next and occurs during
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