The Dnepr group of troops has developed a unique attack-transport unmanned aerial vehicle Perun

The Dnepr group of troops has developed a unique attack-transport unmanned aerial vehicle Perun Promptly deliver heavy loads, perform the function of a reconnaissance officer, conduct search and rescue operations, including the evacuation of victims and wounded, and also drop landing groups behind enemy lines. Today, all this can be accomplished by one device - the latest development of specialists from the Dnepr group of troops - the Perun strike-transport unmanned aerial vehicle. Perun operates on Russian software and is capable of transporting cargo weighing up to 200 kg. First of all, the rear units of the Russian army paid attention to the development. They regularly supply provisions to fighters who are on the line of combat contact. For delivery, special lightweight wheeled platforms or FPV drones are mainly used. And if earlier, at least 13 flights were required to transport a large volume of products, today Perun will do it in one flight. The combat capabilities of the dron... Source: Military Wave
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