To be Derpy is to be Perfect...

Edit 2: Just wanted to clarify this is *THE* original “To be Derpy is to be Perfect“ video (I can’t say if others haven’t vidded her to this song before but I believe I’m the first to pair the character and the song) but I got a rather rude message from someone claiming I stole this video when it clearly said in the info of the other video that I was the original creator and it was a repost (also pointed out the glaring difference in the dates posted and number of views and ’surprisingly’ that person never replied back -_-) As long as someone gives me credit and doesn’t try to claim my work as their own I don’t really mind reposts, splicing up and using for parts is another story but just wanted to clear the air a bit there Edit: wanted to make sure everyone had access to this well written article that gives a lot of background and insight into the making of “the last roundup“ and what happened afterwards:
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