Cookie Cutter Combat Trailer

Buckle up, buttercup! Cherry’s here to knock all your teeth in. Get a load of some of Cherry’s sickest weapons: chainsaws, plasma cannons, guitar slides, mecha fists, motorcycles, and more. Use environmental hazards to butcher your foes and modify your fighting styles to maintain a consistent edge in combat. The Story: Cherry, a Denzel fuzed to life by a combination of AI and a mortal soul, is out to save her creator (and the love of her life), Doctor Shinji Fallon, who has been arrested by the psychopathic leader of a megacorporation, Salem Garbanzos. Dr. Shinji has been accused of stealing a coveted fragment of the sentient energy source that powers the Megastructure, an energy source Salem also needs to further power his Golden City. Now Cherry is pissed and she intends to make Salem —and anybody or anything who gets in her way—pay. With a little help from Raz’s mechanical expertise, Cherry will upgrade from companion to killer! Wishlist Cookie Cutter on Steam: Follow us for updates! Subcult Joint Twitter: Rogue Twitter: Discord:
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