Dance - Do’s And Don’ts (1928)

Santos Casani and Jose Lennard take us through some dancing do’s and don’ts. On a darkened stage with a backdrop of a moonlit sky in the background, Santos and Jose dance in a spotlight. The correct way to approach and hold your partner is demonstrated. An incorrect way is illustrated - Jose sticks her hand out behind Santos’ neck instead of placing it gently on his shoulder. The correct way of dancing the “feather step“ in the fox-trot is shown. An incorrect way of dancing it provokes “ugly jerky movements caused by the man’s wrong indications.“ Mr Casani demonstrates the new Kinkajou Strut - this is a dance step “telephoned from America recently.“ Two young dance pupils watch the demonstration. They are dressed as mini versions of their teachers, the boy even has a monocle. They look about 8 or 9 years old. The kids have a go and do it pretty well. “It is so simple that the two Charleston Babies, Alberto and Sylvia, just picked it up from watching their Teachers.“ C/U of their feet as the
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