Boys for Sale - 2 of 2 (1981)

Boys for Sale - Part 1 of 2 The tragic and shocking abuse of boy prostitutes is discussed by Dr. Tom Philpott and former Editor of _The Daily Texan_, Mark McKinnon, who has written articles on the subject. Philpott has found that these children are frequently physically abused, even tortured and killed. Many of the men who participate in this “practice“ are among some of the most respected people at the top levels of the U.S. corporate and governmental structures. We discuss prominent cases of sexual abuse of boys and possible connections between child prostitution and the murder of black children in Atlanta. The program is enhanced by the use of segments of two 1979 documentaries _Boys for Sale_, produced for Channel 11 in Houston and Channel 13 in Atlanta. Run time: 59:14 Recorded October, 1981 Boys for Sale - Part 2 of 2 Because this tragic, national scandal has largely been ignored by the mass media, our concluding segment focuses on the press coverage and on the
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