Electro-Harmonix Pitch Fork®+ Polyphonic Pitch Shifter / Harmony Pedal (Demo by Bill Ruppert)

The Electro-Harmonix Pitch Fork® polyphonic pitch shifter/harmony pedal features two independent pitch shifting engines with full control over each. Both will transpose your pitch up or down over a /- three octave range and detune /-99 cents. With rock solid tracking, an organic, musical tone and extensive control, it’s your ultimate harmonizer. Learn more about the EHX Pitch Fork® polyphonic pitch shifter/harmony pedal: • Dedicated volume controls for both Shift voices and the Dry signal. • Two outputs, Main and Aux, with multiple routing options. • 10 unique factory presets plus the ability to easily save/recall 100 programs. • A Bypass footswitch that toggles between effect on and buffered bypass. In latch mode it switches between effect and bypass mode. In Momentary mode the effect is on when the FS is held down and the pedal enters bypass when it’s released. • A User footswitch that’s programmable and can be assigned to a variety
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