Хатха йога для начинающих

A video of beginners version of Hatha Yoga Sequence. 1. Let’s start with easy Leg Raises: One leg is raised while the other remains flat on the floor. Inhale up, exhale down. Then both legs together. Lift as high as comfortable. Pay attention to the abdominal ad lower back muscles. Relax the shoulders and neck. 2. Simplified Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar): See description for more details: Here’s how to do it: Inhale exhale palm together in the prayer position Inhale, stretch arms up, look up Exhale, fold forward Inhale look up Exhale Child Pose Inhale Cobra Exhale Downward Dog Inhale Lookup Exhale, fold forward Inhale, arms up Exhale, gently come back to the starting position 3. Child Pose (Balasana): It is a relaxation pose. Stay anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes. 4. The Forward Bend ( Paschimothanasana): The asana reduces fat and stimulates the nervous system. The first version is for more advanced while
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