In Damascus - في دمشق

NOW you can watch “In Damascus“ with Japanese, Turkish, Bahasa Melayu, Albanian, Spanish, Greek, French, Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian, Italian, Dutch, German and English subtitle. Just click on the cc button and choose your language! ----------------------------------------------- Watch In Damascus VFX Breakdown and read the description for technical Information about the film on this link : This film is about Damascus, an 11,000 years old city, the most ancient & precious of cities, set to the poetry of the world famous Palestinian poet / author Mahmoud Darwish. More than three years have passed since the idea inception up to this moment. This project was my companion during my staying abroad, it was like a friend and an enemy at the same time, sometimes I spend hours working on it, and sometimes I leave it for months. Now after two months of heavy work, I’ve finished it, and I would like to present it to you … I hope you like it. Follow me on: tw
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