ПРИКЛЮЧЕНЧЕСКИЙ ХОРРОР ПОХОЖИЙ НА САЙЛЕНТ ХИЛЛ?! - Road to Hollow Hills [Хоррор Стрим, Прохождение]

Донат (Поддержка стримера) * 2 ссылка (Если первая не работает): * 3 способ. * * * - от 15 рублей, ваше сообщение прочитает Гугл Чел ;) ЧТО ЗА ИГРА?! ПРО ЧТО ИГРА?! В ЧЕМ СМЫСЛ ИГРЫ?!: Lost in time, the evidence that archaeology leaves behind brings up humanity’s essential question, “Where do we come from?” From within his jail cell, John Silverdale never considered looking for an answer to this question, but is now thrust into a world where ancient civilizations, hidden places and unknown forces reign supreme. In this intriguing first chapter, John begins the search for his sister Isobel in the Northern Cascades. While following his sisters trail, he comes to the secluded mountain village of Hollow Hills. His path dead ends when he discovers the road into town has been destroyed. Leaving his moto
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