QUIRKY / USA: Mass weddings cope with rush of Leap Year propopals (1940)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Mass weddings cope with rush of Leap Year marriages. Famous radio commentator interviews happy couples. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Cupid Perks Up, Its Leap Year! USA: Chicago, Illinois: Gen. view group around deck. CU group with hands raised. CU group signing. CU Marriage License. CU Registrar Michael Flynn talking. Semi view couple holding marriage license. Gen. view of couple being interviewed. CU couple... husband talks. Gen. view another couple... interviewed & talk. CU couple talking. Sound Effects. Flynn says “I believe we have sent many a bride and groom on the road to happiness--I hope“. 1st Couple: Interviewer: “Did he have anything to do with your getting engaged?“ Girl: ’Well, I kind of help him along in a way.’. Interviewer: ’What do you mean, kind of helped him? How?’. Man: ’
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