Zinna Dj live Techno video mix

Hi friends. Finally, you have waited for the video set that I promised you so long ago. This set was filmed in an incredible location in my hometown of Odessa, before the start of the war in Ukraine. This Philharmonic building was built in 1899. The original appearance of the building has survived almost unchanged to our time. The authorship of the original project of its construction belonged to the architect (Vienna city) The project was revised by the chief city architect AI Bernardazzi, who subsequently invested all his knowledge and experience in its construction, which lasted about 5 this building, erected in the style of the Venetian neo-Renaissance, the Palazzo Ducale in Venice was taken as the basis. I hope you enjoy. The best way to say thank you is to subscribe to the channel and like it. Always with love for you. Zinna Привіт, друзі. Нарешті ви дочекалися відеосет, який я вам так давно обіцяла. Цей сет був знятий у неймовірній локації в моїй рідній Одесі, п
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