Snõõper - Fitness (Official Video)

Stream “Fitness“ out now: Directed and edited by Blair Tramel Filmed by Sean Booz Puppeteered by Bryan Marchena and Happy Haugen Coached by Spodee Boy “Snõõper are at their happiest while sprinting between riled-up punk, garage rock, and new wave, so prepare for your heart rate to spike when tagging along for the ride.” — Pitchfork, Most Most Anticipated Albums of Summer 2023 Today, Nashville-based DIY outfit Snõõper present the rousing new single/video, “Fitness,” from their forthcoming debut album, Super Snõõper, out July 14th on Third Man Records. “Fitness” maintains the high octane speed of frantic lead single “Pod,” and its accompanying video — directed by vocalist Blair Tramel — showcases the puppetry used in their live performances. Almost all of the props and puppets in the video were made and reassembled by Tramel, and the video offers a glimpse of the playful mayhem that can be expected at one of their
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